***The following are unproven allegations until properly investigated.***
Abandoned by Church and State
Brewer Jr. v. The United States of America
U.S. District Court
Southern District of Florida (Fort Lauderdale)
Judge Rodney Smith, presiding
Case# 0:24-cv-60456-RS
Date Filed: 03/22/2024
Case Dismissed Without Prejudice: 06/25/2024
Current Intentions: Refile case with additional details and adding additional defendants. Stay tuned for further details.
Honoring: God, Rosetta Herring, The Late Congressman Alcee Hastings and The late Commissioner Carlton Moore
Dedication of this Report:
Dr. Stephen Barber, Psy D and Won Barber
Are you or someone you know may have been denied their right to housing or discriminated against by a landlord or housing provider?
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Information submitted via an internet contact form CANNOT be guaranteed to be confidential. Do not include any information that you or others consider to be confidential or sensitive. Sending this form, or having any other communications does not create an attorney/client relationship, we ARE NOT attorneys. The information on this website is provided for informational purposes, is not legal advice. Information received is only collect to find similar cases. There is no guarantee that an actual attorney will review your information.